Step 3 – Check Your Computer (The harder version)

If you are confident with using Windows (or the equivalent on another operating system) then this step will help you analyse the problem in more detail. Don’t worry if you can’t as it is not essential.

To do this you need to be able to open a command window on your computer. On windows computers you can do this by clicking your mouse on the START button and then selecting the RUN option. Type “cmd” and return. You should then have a command window open on your screen.

To test the network's operation type:


If you get a response like above, this shows that your computer can communicate with the RASP gateway so next try the same thing but using the gateway's name rather than its address:

If this doesn't produce a similar response, you probably have a problem with your DNS settings. See the DNS setup page for more information on this.

If all the above works but you are still unable to connect to websites using your browser double-check by trying to ping a commonly used website such as


A response like the above indicates that your computer can connect to the internet and the problem is likely to be within your computer’s browser configuration.

If you could communicate with the RASP gateway but not with the BBC website, it is likely that your routing is not set up correctly. What this should be depends whether or not you have a home router. If you do, your computer should be using your home router's IP address for its default route, otherwise it should be using the RASP router (as above).

If you couldn't connect to the RASP router and you have a home router then to check your home network you need to know your router’s ip address. If this is a RASP supplied router, its address will be, in many others cases it will be so try


The above indicates that your computer is connected to your router. If not you have a problem with your home network or router or it may use a different range of ip addresses. Either way this is outside of the scope of this guide and you will need to check out your home network before proceeding further.

If you have been unable to fix the problem (and it is not a problem with your home network), it's time to contact RASP Technical Support. The results of the above tests should help them to identify the problem.